Its been a while since I have updated so here's whats been going on. I helped in Amanda's class on Monday for school, they where making masks the African kind for their school program on Monday.
On Tuesday I helped Jason with work in Vernal then that night I sat at home and nursed a headache while I tried to get the boys bathed. Shelbie and Jason were at YM&YW(sometimes I hate the fact that Shelbie's 12).
on Wednesday I again helped Jason in Vernal this time to move out of his office there and this time nursed a migraine. I thing I'm allergic to moving.
Thursday was spent again with that same migraine from Wednesday (is my period coming?)so I did a lot of laying around when I could. When I wasn't laying around I was helping Jason again this time to find an office here in town.
Friday in Vernal in the morning shopping for the kids so Jason's and I could go on are big Anniversary trip (without any kids). I had to get the kids all squared away with food and so forth so that Jason's mom and sister could watch them while we were gone. then before we left for are Anniversary trip (without any kids) we needed to go to Amanda's school program (it was very cute but then we were only there long enough to see her part so how could it be anything but)then off on are Anniversary trip (without any kids) which was nothing special we were just going to stay at a hotel in Lehi (without any kids) and spend all are time at the movies, and at our favorite restaurants. Which we did when we weren't shopping at the mall.
On monday it was chechout time and we were off to Debbies to help her find a reliable used car which we did. After she got the car of her dream we all went to lunch and then Jason and I headed back home and the next two days I spent at home due to food poisoning
That brings us to today. Which I spent most of cleaning up the house because when moms sick nothing gets done. I also went with Jason to put money down on his new office here in town (hurray), went to lunch and got things ready for enrichment tonight. So now everyone knows whats been going on.